Coming as a breath of fresh air amid a long-running slowdown in the Indian commercial vehicle market, Mahindra has delivered over 400 small commercial vehicles in a single day. This achievement was achieved by the Mahindra and Mahindra Commercial Vehicles Division in the Bihar and Jharkhand region. The Mahindra Alpha (both passenger as well as loading variants), Mahindra Jeeto loading range and Mahindra Supro are extremely popular compared to these 400 units of the Mahindra SCV. It marks the imminent arrival of the festive season, which is the most important festival season in many years. In addition, this is the first time Chennai-based automaker Behemoth has delivered such a large number of units in a single day for its commercial vehicles business.
For Mahindra & Mahindra, the USD 20.7 billion Mahindra Group has traditionally been one of the most important states for commercial vehicle development in Bihar and a part of Jharkhand. With their passenger vehicle portfolio, both these states have also shown wide acceptance for the Mahindra range of SCVs. Thus, no wonder Mahindra chose to target and achieve the region in a significant location for its commercial vehicle business.
Speaking about this achievement, Satinder Singh Bajwa, Business Head- Small Commercial Vehicles, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited stated, “Mahindra & Mahindra is one of the most important players in the Indian SCV market. Thus, it becomes important for us to work toward creating new benchmarks. "He further added," We are happy to achieve this achievement when the whole industry is eagerly awaiting the coming of the festive season. And what better time than during the festive season. Our range of commercial vehicles has grown from strength to strength and we have been humbled by the continued trust by our customers for over a decade. We are excited to be a part of the festive season in the states of Bihar and Jharkhand.
Mahindra will be the start of the festive season of 2019, which is continuously working for the company to achieve leadership status in this segment. Over the years, Mahindra has managed to diversify its commercial vehicle portfolio, offering a wide variety of products for almost every business need. The small commercial vehicle segment has been of particular importance to the company's growth in the market space. This is largely because Mahindra has put special efforts and focused resources to bring in updates and new model range. Where Mahindra has excelled in the company's ability to focus and upgrade its products to improve customer benefits.
For the upcoming festive season, Mahindra is hoping to return to the positive spectrum of consumer sentiment, largely on the basis of good monsoon rainfall. For the same, they are expected to release festival season packages soon, while they have prepared themselves for delivery to meet customer demand for all their commercial vehicles.
Just as those models that served as the backbone for Mahindra's achievement of 400 SCVs in a single day were in the category of SCVs of Mahindra Alpha, Mahindra Jeeto and Mahindra Supro. The company hopes to offer exciting festive season packages to boost consumer festivities and demand.
Here are the 4 models that served as the backbone for Mahindra’s feat of 400 SCV’s.